
(1)   I heard of the earthquake in Japan. I hope you are alright, and hope you will build your country fast! (Catalin S.)


(2)   I’m sorry to hear about the tragedy. I hope you have the power to get over it, and manage to get your lives back without any trouble.  (Alexandru N.)


(3)   How are you? The news about are everywhere. I hope you are OK, and nothing bad will happen next. How affected is that area you live in? Can you handle with food, water and living conditions? I’m looking forward hearing some news from you. (Ana Maria H.)


(4)   I heard on the TV about that earthquake which hit your country and the huge tsunami that followed. I feel truly sorry about that I hope will get over these problems.  (Andrei P.)


(5)     I feel sorry about your problems caused by the earthquake and the damage you have suffered. I wish I could do something about that but I don’t have resources to help you. I wish you all the luck you need to pass through this disaster.  (A dreea D.)


(6)     My dear friends from Japan, I am really sad because of the tragedy that struck your country and also I admire you for the swiftness you handled the situation. I am sure Japan will rise greater than before as you did after the World War II. (Filip I.)


(7)     I’m really sorry for those unfortunate events that happened in Japan. We are impressed about your losses and we’ll try to help you. There is already a campaign which raises money for those affected in your country. I hope we can communicate in the future. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.  (Marian P.)


(8)   I am deeply disturbed by the terrible disasters that happened in Japan. I hope you are all OK and I’m sorry if you had any losses. I will support you in any way I can and I have even donated a small sum to the Red Cross. I just want to tell you that you are all in our hearts.     (Alexandru P.)


(9)  I am sorry for you losses, and hope you will recover from that fast. Be strong! (Alexandru V.)


(10) I hope you are all healthy and hope that terrible earthquake didn’t affect you very much. I wishyou all the best! (Teodora C.)


(11) I’m sorry for you because the earthquake caused such a disaster and the big tsunami also destroyed a lot of buildings and killed so many people. I know you’re a powerful nation and I hope you will be soon like before. (Robert Auras M.)


(12) Hello, dear friends. I was very sad when I heard about what happened in Japan. It is a real tragedy and I’m very sorry for you. Anyway, I hope you’ll get over this hard situation. I wish you all the best. (Radu Gabriel P.)


(13)  “A Letter for Natural Disasters in Japan”

   In order to share “togetherness” in difficult times, what can be shared? An earthquake, then a tsunami, and then nuclear radiation. But the worst would be to feel being lonely. The underlined essential case is to know, to share and to feel that nobody is lonely. Maybe you have already realized that you, the Japanese people are not lonely and that people all over the world care about you. Here, in Europe, we have a website for teachers and students. It is called eTwinning. A teacher from Turkey, Aydin Sarikaya, initiated a project with the title “A Letter for Natural Disaster in Japan.” So many European teachers would like to express their solidarity with Japan. There have never been such a huge number of members in an eTwinning project. I’m thinking about you.

We Love You!

Prof. Daniela Badea, Colegiul National “Nichita Stanescu,” Ploiesti, Romania
