The 5th Shin-Eiken Online International Forum      

-Let Us Connect for Peace through English Education


by New English Teachers Association(or Shin-Eiken)   


Date/Time : Sunday, March 13th, 2022 (JST 10 am ~12 pm)   


"iEARN(International Education and Resource Network) World"

―How to use iEARN projects for peace and global awareness in your English class


*What is iEARN?  - Learn with the world, not just about it

 - iEARN Collaboration Center and projects

   Project for Peace "Machinto - Hiroshima/Nagasaki for Peace" 

   Project for global environmental awareness - "GOMI on EARTH"            


Presenters:  Ms. Kristin Brown (iEARN-USA) & Ms. Yoko Takagi (iEARN-Japan)  


*iEARN[ ] / JEARN(iEARN Japan center)[ ]


This Online Forum is free of charge / Please register before March 7th.


iEARN World.pdf
PDFファイル 1.4 MB



Q & A session:

Q1. Why can you be so devoted to the iEARN project? What makes you so dedicated to iEARN projects?

 A:  The key words are :  One is “Hope for future”.  The other is “Exploring authenticity”. Taking an example of Machinto Project, we visualize a world without nuclear weapons.  We should have hope for future, and then we should explore concrete and authentic ways toward such a goal.


Q2. What is the aim of the Gomi Project ?

A:  The aim is how to reuse and recycle gomi in the world. This depends on people’s efforts that how they  will devise ideas to do it.


Q3. Can everyone start any new project?   Then, how?

A:  Yes, everyone can.  First, you can participate in some project, and learn what the project is really carried out. Second, you should fill out 10-item questionnaires, and submit to the project committee. If approved by the committee, you will be able to move onto the next stage --- embody your project idea. 


Breakout Session:

 In several groups, participants each made self-introduction, and discussed on what project from today’s presentation each participant was most interested in.