#8 Shin-Eiken Online International Forum
[ by a zoom meeting ]
Date & Time :
Saturday, Dec 10th, 2023, 13:00 - 15:00 (JST)
"A-bomb Survivors' Testimony and Peace Talk from Nagasaki"
by three A-bomb survivors; Mr. Michio Hakariya , Ms. Mitoe Matsumoto, Mr. Yoshihiro and Ohba, Prof. YOSHIMUTA Satomi
(Kwassui Women’s University), and Dr. Gail Glang (Center for the Peace Education, Miriam College, Philippines)
Fee: Free of charge
Registration(by the 1st of Dec. has been extended; Dec.8th): on the link below
You will receive an access link by e-mail in advance
For further inquiries: e-mail to Keiko KIKUCHI ( dyxjp612[@]yahoo.co.jp )
" We will hear the stories from A-Bomb survivors of Nagasaki. Let's think about how to make the world without War."
From the presenters;
When the peace talk project in English was launched, there were six survivors who talked about their experiences in the English Group of the Nagasaki Peace
Promotion Association, Succession Committee, but now there are five. They are all in their late 80s. One speaker, Hakariya-san always grumble, "When is the next peace talk session? We don't
have much time!" That's how he threatens me. It has been five years since I met them. He is still going strong. The three survivors were originally active as storytellers in Japanese, but
they found it frustrating to be understood through an interpreter, so they started learning English from scratch. They made a PowerPoint presentation by gathering very few remaining photos
from their childhood. They learned how to use Zoom in order to connect with people around the world and appeal for peace. Please listen to the English, which may not be perfect, but the
English from the heart.